The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updated and revised guidance for federal financial assistance, including revisions to 2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the federal regulations surrounding single audits).
The changes are intended to strengthen and streamline administration of federal financial assistance and to help recipients of federal funding “focus more on the people they serve and to deliver results for their communities.”
Join us for this one-hour complimentary webinar to learn how these changes may impact your organization’s grants management policies and procedures.
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Recall the upcoming changes to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updated and revised guidance for federal financial assistance
- Recognize how to update grants management policies and procedures in response to the changes
Who should attend
This session is designed for CEOs, CFOs, controllers, and others involved with grants management in nonprofit organizations.
Please register by September 24, 2024.
For more information contact Geraldine Matias, events associate.
Recommended CPE: 1 credit, Accounting (Governmental)
Prerequisites: None
Program level: Overview
Advance preparation: None
Delivery method: Group Internet Based
View CPE sponsorship information.
Can’t make the webinar?
Fill out the registration and you will receive an email with the webinar recording and slides following the event. Also, check out our event calendar to see what else is happening.